
37 Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Internet

37 Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Internet - We can guess, you read this article because you want to find out more about how to get money from the internet.

There are a number of reasons why you use the internet to make money, two of which are wanting to earn additional income in addition to the main income and try new jobs after retiring from the old position.

Whatever the reason, the internet has become a part of the life of someone who wants extra income. It's just that, earning income from the internet is not so easy because there are still some who impersonate fraud or even present an ineffective method.

With this article, we hope you can find out the right and effective way to make money from the internet.

In this article, you will know 35 ways to earn money online. Some ways to demand that you have to create a website, while other ways provide an opportunity for you to take advantage of various existing platforms.

Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dari Internet Dengan Membuat Website

One way to make money on the internet is to use your website. Create a niche, create traffic, and start selling products and services to site visitors.

If you create a website, you have full freedom to manage and manage the benefits.

In this sub-chapter, you will learn a number of things, such as earning income from affiliate products, selling physical items, opening online courses, and much more.

Here are 10 ways to get money from the internet by creating a website.

To online website, you need web hosting. Hostinger offers the best hosting packages, especially for those of you who are still beginners in the world of websites.

1. Create A Blog

People use blogs as a means of expressing opinions or platforms that contain their art and creativity.

But apparently, there are also some people who turn blogs into 'money machines' to meet their daily needs. Some even managed to deliver their blogs or sites to become large online companies, such as the Huffington Post.

How to get money from the internet by creating a blog

Unfortunately, not all bloggers manage to make their sites famous and make money. However, if you are diligent and find the right method, getting money from blogs is possible.

By utilizing a blog, you must have a long-term vision and mission. Keep in mind, you will not immediately get money when the blog is active. However, along with the increasing ability to write and choose quality content, your site will be flooded with traffic. Of course this gives a good opportunity for you.

If your goal is to create a blog that makes money, then consider the following tips:

Choose a topic that will never arsa expire ’, for example about health, finance, relationships, hobbies, or self-development.
Always trying to present content with quality and quality resources.
Learn more about SEO and increase the ranking of your site on search engines.
Connect with popular bloggers and other influencers.
The four tips above will help you to stay on the right path. After a blog gets a lot of traffic, the opportunity to earn income from the internet is increasingly wide open. You can also do a number of things:

Paid ads;
Offer online courses and learning materials;
Selling affiliate products;
And much more!
With a blog, you can do almost anything to get income.

2. Creating an Affiliate Website

Promoting products is one way to get money from the internet. How to? You can become an affiliate member on various sites, for example Hostinger.

How to make money from the internet by creating an affiliate website

Affiliate sites are made to recommend or review certain products. If there are site visitors who buy products through an affiliate link installed on your website, then you will get a commission.

Although the income provided is not so large, there are many sites that base their income only on affiliates. For example, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income earns a monthly income by doing affiliate marketing.

Another example is the WireCutter. This site, basically, is a popular website that reviews products. This site then brings more profits after it was bought by the New York Times for $ 30 million.

Start creating affiliate sites and earn money by recommending and regulating various products. Or, you can integrate affiliate marketing into a previously created blog by displaying the resources you recommend.

For example, suppose you have a website dedicated to discussing how to eliminate or reduce belly fat. Some of the things you need to do is make a post that reviews related products and supplements and includes an affiliate link every time the product is called.

3. Creating an eCommerce Website

ECommerce sites are increasingly popular these days. With a support platform, such as WordPress and WooCommerce, eCommerce sites can be created anytime and anywhere.

How to earn money online by creating an eCommerce site

Do you currently want to sell a variety of physical products? Create and streamline your business and win many customers.

There are two methods that can guarantee the success of an online store:

Sell ​​niche physical products to a group of dedicated buyers.
Buy goods made in factories at lower prices abroad, then repackage them, then sell them at a higher price.
If you choose the first method, you have to do a lot of research, product development, and testing.

Don't worry, businesses never betray results. The proof is that large companies, such as SkinnyMe Tea, BeardBrand, and Ratio Coffee, are able to establish their position as successful online stores.

If you are uncomfortable or feel the first way is too risky, then choose the second method, which is buying factory output items abroad. For this method, you don't need to go abroad, just open the platform like AliExpress, choose a product, and resell it in your online store.

Besides selling, you also need to think about how to ship the product. You can handle the shipment yourself or use the currently popular method, which is drop shipping. By drop shipping, the factory or company will ship the items ordered by your client.

4.Become a Web Hosting Reseller

There are many ways to get money from the internet, and one of them is to become a web hosting reseller. If interested, you can take advantage of reseller services offered by Hosting24.

How to earn money from the internet by becoming a web hosting reseller

Basically, being a reseller hosting means providing dedicated server space in building your own web hosting brand. By becoming a reseller, you can do:

Create a web hosting account that has been equipped with cPanel;
Set custom resource constraints (disk space, bandwidth, etc.);
Easily manage all accounts using WHM.
cPanel is known for its ease of managing hosting accounts and this tool can be used to reach more customers or new users. The server uptime is also monitored by an in-house administrator team that guarantees the best availability and uptime.

In addition, there is also a support team that is always there 24/7 to answer and solve all your problems.

Even though it's a reseller, you don't need to handle user acquisition. Let the hosting team manage all technical aspects related to server management.

If you are already familiar with the functions and workings of web hosting, reselling activities will not be confusing. Who knows, one day your reseller hosting business will go up and be successful?

5. Making an Online Course

Lately, online courses have become increasingly popular and have many enthusiasts. So, if you want to share information and knowledge that is owned, making online courses can be one way to earn income from the internet.

In order for your online course to be of high quality and ogled by many users, you must first establish yourself and yourself. You can prepare yourself to be an instructor by enriching knowledge through various online learning platforms, such as BitDegree. BitDegree offers opportunities for those who want to improve their capabilities and share with hundreds of people who are also interested in learning the latest technology.

Earn income from the internet by opening an online course

Guides and online course learning materials come in a variety of formats, ranging from PDF downloads to hours of video courses that present yourself as the instructor.

The online course will certainly give you excess profits, moreover this service is under your supervision and you also manage the finances.

As with the way to make money on the internet that we mentioned earlier, online courses can be integrated with various types of blogs, such as blogs, eCommerce sites, and affiliate sites.

If you really intend to open an online course but haven't got the right topic, then you can do a poll. Ask the audience what topics are right for your online course. You will be surprised because they can tell the topic that many users want to learn.

For example, the online course Learn Scrivener Fast is fully dedicated to helping authors learn the advantages and disadvantages of Srivener software. The founder of this course, Joseph Michael, determined the topic inspired by the comments written on Michael Hyatt's blog. To date, Learn Scrivener Fast has emerged as one of the best online courses.

6. Creating a Membership Site

Who says membership sites aren't that famous? The proof is this site has its own interest. The management is not too difficult. However, like other sites, membership sites also require high numbers of audience or traffic.

Find money online by creating a membership site

For example, Mark Manson manages a blog about self-development. On the site, there are certain pages that contain membership so that users can access online courses, videos, and articles that are useful for the learning process. For its followers, membership or membership is a rare opportunity.

People access your site because they like the things you share. So, you should add a membership page for clients who want premium content. Of course, to get that access, they have to pay first.

Certainly there will be some people who consider membership pages not very beneficial for them, but for some people who follow the information and content that you share of course see this membership as an opportunity that should not be wasted.

The type of membership you offer depends on the type of site that you manage and how much premium content is provided.

7. Providing Advertising Space

Make money online by providing advertising space

There are already many sites that advertise on their content. Sometimes these ads sound unnatural and seem 'forced', but there are also ads that 'flow' naturally according to the content.

If your site receives quite a lot of traffic, it is very easy for you to make income online. Therefore, make sure to continue to post quality content so that traffic increases and your site can be ranked in the search engine.

Usually, the amount of money you get depends on the type of network, but does not rule out the possibility of being influenced by the number of clicks.

Choose ad network as needed.

You must be familiar with Google Adsense. To use it, open this ad network and create an account. After the account has been successfully registered, you can start posting ads on the site. Keep in mind, the payment for Adsense ads is not so great unless your site is crowded with visitors or accessible to millions of visitors per month.

Other ad networks that can be used are Ezoic and Media.net. These two ad networks can be used after you go through the site registration and evaluation process. Ezoic and Media.net can also be used to optimize revenue from advertising.

If you are not very familiar or may not like working with an ad network, then you should try to advertise the site manually. If your site targets certain visitors, then how to get money from the internet with ad networks is very easy. Let's just say the site you are managing is currently focused on discussing the benefits and optimization of sleep. Instead of activating the ad network, as mentioned earlier, you offer space or space for mattress companies to advertise their products.

The last choice if you don't want to use ad networks and provide advertising space is to write paid content or sponsored content. In this case, a company will pay you for the sponsored content that you wrote. This content is then published on your site. Sites that implement this method are Buzzfeed and Millo.

8. Offering Services

One of the fastest ways to earn money from the internet is to offer services that you have on the website.

There are two methods for offering services:

Create an Education Blog and Offer Services that you provide

Create a niche blog that contains useful information about a topic. Suppose you have a blog that addresses holistic health, and there you have made an email list or even managed to direct high traffic to your site.

Add a service page that explains that you offer training on health that can be accessed by users either via Skype or face to face.

Make a Simple Website and Offer Services that You Provide

Another alternative, create a website that is only intended to offer your services to individuals and companies.

For example, you want to work as a freelance writer.

Choose a niche and online website to start introducing your skills and abilities. Add a few pages that contain information about yourself, the types of services offered, and examples of portfolios or written results.

After that, do things like guest blogging, podcast interviews, and send cold outreach emails to attract the attention of users.

If you want to skyrocket service-based businesses, then you can combine these two methods. Thus, maximum results will be achieved.

9. Create Websites that Offer Job Vacancies

Information about job openings can be a topic for creating websites and attracting many benefits.

Make money by creating a website about job openings

With this website, you can ask for payments from individuals or companies that post jobs on your site. Or you can also require users to become premium members so they can access and apply to the desired job.

But there are the most important things to remember, make sure your website has high traffic. A company will not believe even want to post job vacancies on your website if traffic is low and there are minimal users with the right and best criteria.

Let's look at ProBlogger Job Board as an example. Here, both companies and individuals are required to pay a fee if they want to post a job. Meanwhile, applicants will not be charged fees for accessing and even applying for jobs. Because ProBlogger is an official site with high traffic, companies or individuals who post jobs will get prospective employees according to the expected criteria.

Again, if you want to make money from a job website, make sure your site already gets a lot of traffic. This is like a mutualism symbiosis in which the company gets the expected employees and you get a fair reward.

10. Creating Online Directories

Nowadays online directories are not as popular as other types of websites, but we cannot turn a blind eye that this option can also bring income to you.

The working system is almost the same as a job search website. It's just that you do not demand payment from individuals or companies. They will pay you per month to get a directory listing.

If the website you manage currently gets high amounts of traffic, then offering directory listings is a good opportunity.

For example, you create a website intended for website development and design. High quality content is also produced to maintain the number of visitors and traffic. With a website like this, you can provide listings for web developers and agencies.

Not only official backlinks, with directory listings, you provide the right traffic or sourse for the client's business.

In general, clients will pay a subscription fee per month so that the directory can be registered. You can even apply a premium fee system where individuals or companies can list their listings at the top of the directory so that they attract more attention.

11. Selling a Website

Finally, how to make money from the internet if you have a website or blog is to sell it!

Of course the selling price of a website depends on the type or type of site you are running at the moment. Although it's not much, selling a website can generate a number of rupiah.

Make money online by selling websites

The average selling value of your website is multiplied by the income per month. These multiples of course depend on various factors, but don't worry, you can sell websites with conditions ranging from 12 to 30 times.

Following are the factors that influence multiples of the website selling points:

Age of website;
Domain authority or ownership;
The amount of traffic received by the website;
Amount of profits made by the website;
Diversification of income;
Income stability;
Website development, whether there is progress or even 'road in place'.
If you want to know how much your site sells, you can find out at Empire Flipper listings.

Make sure you take into account the good or bad of selling a website because you will no longer receive income per month.

How to make money from the internet without the need to create a website

Creating a website is certainly the best way to earn income online in the long run. However, having a website is not the only way to get money from the internet. It turns out that you can get money without having to make and online the website.

Here are 20 ways to make money from the internet without the need to manage a website.

12. Publish Your Own Writing Digital Book

Did you know that writing a book and publishing it can bring profit? In this advanced era, there are various ways to publish books, including self-publishing. Self-publishing is publishing your own book without the help of a publisher. You can even manage and edit your own script, layout, and even titles.

Make money online by publishing your own book

Because self-publishing is so popular lately, it is possible that you will face many competitors or rivals. However, if you are committed to writing books with quality content and succeed in satisfying the curiosity of readers, you can succeed only by doing self-publishing.

Publishing your own digital book means that there are various aspects that are handled by yourself. As mentioned above, publishing your own book means you are responsible for writing, editing, compiling, making covers or covers, selling through sites, such as Amazon, writing book descriptions, and marketing.

Behind the hard work done to publish and market books, you will get a profitable division. Depending on the price point the book has, you will get a 70% profit in each sale.

Here are some tips for successfully publishing your book:

Do market research. Make sure the topic of the digital book you want to write does not have many rivals, but still has a market and readers.
Write a book that contains quality information, and don't hesitate to hire the services of a professional editor.
Also rent designer services to make covers and write interesting short book descriptions. Remember, these two elements are one of the most important factors in your book selling on the market.
Write serial books, of course with knowledge, or information, or stories that attract market attention.
Your success as a writer is entirely determined by yourself. Write a book with the best content possible and make a list of e-mails from potential readers that you think are worth contacting. The more often you publish books, the more money will be generated.

13. Email Marketing

Often spend time on the internet? So this 'habit' must be utilized as well as possible. Ever heard words like getting money from compiling an email list? These words are true.

Make money by email marketing

Keep in mind how many emails have entered your inbox. Most of these emails are in the form of newsletters that you have agreed to subscribe to. There are users who like to get e-mails like that, but some are confused ‘how come this e-mail is in my inbox? '.

Creating a niche email newsletter can be one of the best options for targeting a group of people to create solid and sustainable business relationships. A multimillion-dollar website, for example The Skimm, has written and created e-mail newsletters every day.

Creating an email newsletter is actually not difficult. You can use tools, such as ConvertKit, Drip, MailChimp, and Aweber.

Here's the process:

Set the niche or topic you want to offer, then determine your email style;
Choose an email marketing provider;
Create a simple landing page and direct traffic to the page;
Send regular e-mails based on the list or list of e-mail owners that you have created.
The purpose of creating an email list is to build trust so that they can read information from you every day.

After knowing how many people open and read the e-mail sent, you can start looking for money via e-mail. How:

Selling digital products;
Offer online courses where you must be a member first;
Send affiliate offers to subscribers;
Offer sponsorship.

14. Applying as a Freelance Worker on the Site, like Upwork

On the internet, there are many sites that offer freelance jobs. On this site, clients will advertise to find someone who fits their criteria. Lately, the demand for freelancers has increased.

Earn money by becoming a freelancer

Here are some popular sites that offer freelance jobs:

In order to be successfully hired, you must build a niche. The worst thing you can do is consider yourself a generalist or expert in several fields. Because of the intense competition, inevitably you have to confirm your personality as the only expert in a particular field.

For example, are you a WordPress developer for a SaaS company, or a cryptocurrency writer, or a startup founder in the ghostwriter field?

After setting your specialization, it's time to create a profile, include some examples or portfolios that are relevant to your abilities, and start introducing your skills.

If you want to earn income through a platform such as Upwork, you can first read the information and the subtleties in Freelance to Win. This site is dedicated to helping you succeed in becoming a professional freelancer.

15. Buy and sell websites

Buying and selling websites is the same as buying and selling a house. You buy a house that is simple and has little selling value, then you fix it, then sell it to make a profit.

Make money online by reselling websites

The process of buying and selling websites is not so difficult. But what you need to know, all of this is certainly inseparable from the risk. Therefore, do not buy a website that seems to have no future or which certainly does not give you an advantage.

Here's how to buy and resell sites to get profit:

Look for a website that has a high rating but isn't very well known. You can check the website market on sites, such as EmpireFlippers, Flippa, and We Sell Your Site.
Do site research to find out about revenue and the amount of traffic, link profiles, and the real reason behind the purpose of selling a website.
If it is attractive and has high selling value, immediately buy the website.
Fix the site to maximize traffic and revenue or revenue.
Sell ​​the site and start making a profit!
If you want to find out more complete information about this method, please read some success stories from Hostinger users:

How I Turned My WordPress Blog Into A Five-Figure Business
20 Ideas for Your First Online Side Business
10 Steps to Making a Profit for Buying and Selling Websites
How I Made $ 180,000 Profit Buying and Selling Websites Part Time
How to Buy and Sell Websites: Expert Advice on Maximizing Your Profit

16. Buy and Sell Domain Names

A website can be purchased and then resold. However, did you know that the domain can also be traded?

Earn money online by trading domain names

Buying and reselling domains with higher prices is called domain flipping. You buy a domain at a low price, then look at the potential of the domain, then sell it again at a high price.

The following is the process of buying and selling domains:

Use tools like Just Dropped and buy a unique domain name.
Re-register the domain name.
Wait for prospective buyers.
Sell and get profits.
Some people have succeeded in generating hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year by implementing the right strategies. You can do the same at Hostinger by utilizing our domain check feature.

17. Selling a collection of photos and videos (footage)

Make money by selling a collection of photos

Do you like photographing or recording something? Selling your collection of works can be one way to make money on the internet.

There are various kinds of websites that allow you to upload photos and videos. These sites have large user bases and if there are users who want to use your licensed photos, they must buy them.

Here are some famous photography websites:

If you are a videographer, then here are some sites that can be used:

When creating a portfolio, take your time first to browse or find out what style of photo or video is most used.

Create a niche and upload photos and videos that you create as often as possible. The more portfolios created, the greater your chances of success.

Aside from being a place to make money, the sites mentioned above can also be a place for people who admire your work.

18. Invest in Cryptocurrency

Lately, cryptocurrency has many fans. The fame of this field is certainly not separated from Bitcoin which was booming last year. If you haven't invested in Bitcoin and or other cryptocurrency last year, then this is the time. You are not late.

Make money through cryptocurrency

Invest now and benefit by becoming an early adopter.

Actually, investing in cryptocurrency is the same as investing in other fields, and of course offering a number of risks. However, by learning more about cyrptocurrency, you can successfully make a long-term investment.

The first step if you want to do cyrptocurrency is to deepen your knowledge and abilities. BitDegree is the best resource that offers a number of online tutorials and courses so you can understand correctly and correctly about cryptocurrency.

There are many approaches or methods for making money through cyrptocurrency, such as:

Invest in coins before the IPO or before the value rises.
Learn how to program and work with blockchain.
Become a writer or cryptocurrency writer.
Apply for jobs with startup companies in the field of cryptocurrency.
Because cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are still in the early stages, you can learn the skills needed for success.

19. Selling Handicrafts on Etsy

Like making crafts? If you are very proficient in this field, then you can make some money by selling various of your works on the internet.

Selling handicrafts on Etsy

Etsy is one of the biggest platforms that you can use to sell a variety of handicrafts, from iPhone casing, simple shelves, to rings, and much more.

The advantage of using Etsy is that you don't need to connect to a website or even create a profile like social media. Etsy already has many followers that of course you can use. In addition, if you already have regular customers, you can start creating your own online store website that sells superior products.

In order to successfully market your handicraft products on Etsy, you need to listen to the following tips:

Do research to find out how many requests for work are the same as your product.
Calculate how long it will take to make and produce each item. Is the time and material costs comparable to the selling price set?
Think about what makes your craft superior compared to other products. For example, your craft has its own unique style. Of course you can take advantage of these advantages while continuing to meet the expectations and expectations of clients or buyers.

20. Selling Products on Amazon (FBA)

Amazon is one of the largest online retailers and there are more than millions of registered products in it.

As we explained above when you want to sell crafts at eCOmmerce Etsy, the same process applies on Amazon-like platforms.

If you are interested in selling items on this platform, you can first find out what items are most purchased on Amazon. After that, you search then sell the cheap version by setting branding first.

There are two methods for selling on Amazon. First, sell goods directly and not through an intermediary. Second, work with the factory that will send the product requested by the client or buyer. In other words, you do drop shipping.

If you want to learn more about this method, some of these online sources can be used as references:

The 4 Secrets of Long-Term Amazon Success [Including FBA]
Want to make 6 figures from Your Amazon FBA Bsiness? Here's How.
Amazon FBA Success: I Sold $ 40,639 Worth of Physical Products in the Past 30 Days.

21. Make a YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the largest and most used search engines. It's just that this site is not focused on searching websites, but about entertainment, fun, entertainment, or even other informative videos.

Earn money by creating a YouTube channel

To make income from YouTube, you can use this platform's advertising system or direct subscriber or viewer to the website you manage.

Creating and introducing your YouTube channel is almost the same as creating a website. It's just that, on YouTube, you are required to make videos, not written content.

If you prefer to act in front of the camera and want to try your luck by making videos, then specify from now on the topic and content of your YouTube channel. Generally, there are two types of YouTube channels (which of course benefit the author):

Content is entertainment or entertainment. This video will include web series, comedy videos, pranks, videos containing demonstrations of a game or game, and much more.
Content is educational. The video will contain information on how to 'how to' instructions or instructions. For example, videos about 'how to increase SEO rankings' or 'how to make or manage a tomato garden'. If you have a myriad of information or even capabilities that you want to share via video, the best solution is to create a YouTube channel.
First, create a YouTube channel and specify a unique and interesting name. Second, follow these tips:

To record videos, use a high-quality camera;
There is nothing wrong with changing styles, formats, and editing techniques until you find the right one.
Optimize Video titles, descriptions, and cover images so that people are interested in clicking and watching your videos.
Create and announce publish video schedules so that subscribers can know clearly when to watch your video content.

22. Become a Virtual Assistant

If you are an expert in planning and management, then try your luck by becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants are responsible for various tasks, such as book keeping or bookkeeping, data entry, email management, research, and much more.

By becoming a virtual assistant, not only does the income increase, but your connection increases too. Besides that, the chance you are hired to become a virtual assistant is getting more open.

Instead of looking for permanent employees, business owners now prefer to hire virtual assistant services.

Job vacancies for virtual assistants can be found on job search sites, such as Fiverr, Upwork, and Remote.co.

23. Offering Services or Programming Software

Learning programming languages ​​can take you to a bigger world. It doesn't matter if your goal in learning programming is to find work as a freelancer or develop your own software.

If you know how to develop software, it is guaranteed you can make applications for customers, niche applications for websites or mobile phones, or even games on smartphones. The success of a business is determined by the accuracy and success of the software that is owned and developed.

Even though there is a lot of software developed by large companies, if seen on Google Play or the Apple Store, you can see that there are also popular software created and developed by ordinary people like you.

If you want to make money from software or applications that are self-developed, the following methods or methods should be considered:

Do market research to find out the requirements for software or applications;
Create an MVP version of the software that you developed;
Get feedback from the initial user and beta tester;
Gather all feedback and launch the first version of your software or application;
Start marketing your software.
The story of ConvertKit founder, Nathan Barry, who is successful in introducing software startup can be one of your references.

If managing then selling the software yourself takes a long time, then you can make money from your programming skills. How, you apply as a freelancer in the programming field.

Look for as much information about free job openings on multiple platforms, such as Upwork and Freelancer. You can also access the Remoteok.io site that highlights various programming positions that you can apply for and do at home.

24. Online Tutor for Children

Another way to get money from the internet is to become an English-language online tutor. The benefits will certainly multiply if you are a native or native speaker of English or maybe those who have lived in the country for years as a primary language.

The opportunity will be increasingly wide open if you complete the resume with an ESL certificate.

The average income made from the online tutoring profession that teaches via Skype is around $ 25 or approximately Rp. 372,000 per hour.

Interested in getting to know this profession further? Find out more information on some of these sites:

Chegg Tutors

25. Test the Website and Give Critics and Suggestions

Are you careful about design or always pay attention to the smallest things that affect whether or not a website or application is good? If yes, then you can make money by offering services to test problems that might occur on the website or application.

Make money by becoming a website tester

Spending a lot of time on the internet is certainly a separate experience because of course you know several factors that determine whether or not a site is good. For example, does the website contain content that is unclear or incomplete? Does the website layout confuse the user? Is the navigation menu too complex?

There are many website owners who are willing to pay you to test and assess their sites. Generally, your feedback will be delivered in oral, written, or even using screen recording software.

Here are some websites and applications that offer an opportunity for you to become a tester:


26.Become a Website Developer

Did you know that you can make money from the profession of website developers?

If you are not good at developing a website, the first step to do is to learn coding or programming languages. After being proficient, it's time to find a job opening as a website developer.

Create profiles on Upwork and Freelancer and focus on web development!

In order for the opportunity to be hired, it is increasingly wide open, determine the right niche, fix the profile or resume, and include the related portfolio.

For example, you want to create a website for real estate agents and property management companies. Or maybe you want to focus on creating eCommerce websites based on WooCommerce and WordPress.

27. Narrator Audiobook

The audiobook industry has become more popular these days. Apparently more and more people prefer listening rather than spending time reading books. However, most of the books have not been changed to the audiobook format. Though audiobooks can come multiple profits for the author. Not only money, but also recognition of their work.

Make money by becoming an audiobook narrator

Is your voice good and likes to read? Win the chance to become an audiobook narrator.

One of the easiest ways to start this career is to register with ACX. This service connects audiobook narrators with book writers.

The following things that you must prepare besides registering on ACX services are high quality microphone and recording software and portfolios or examples of your voice recordings.

If you want to expand the opportunity to be hired, you can also create a profile in Upwork, then find a job as an audiobook narrator.

28. Become a Graphic Designer

Have basic skills about design or are familiar with tools, like Photoshop and Illustrator? Maybe it's time for you to use your skills to earn money from the internet.

Look for special freelance platforms, as mentioned above, then register and create profiles, then start typing the graphic designer to find available positions. You can also test design capabilities first on platforms like 99Designs. On this site, you will compete with other designers to work on certain projects. If the client likes your work, then you will be given a project to complete.

Another way to introduce your profession to the public is to approach it manually. Try to go to a business owner or local community and offer your expertise. The opportunity for you to show off in designing something is increasingly wide open - whether later you are asked to design a new logo, brochure, or even company uniform.

Another alternative is to come to trendy co-working space lately. In this place, you will meet various people who come from startup companies and other companies who definitely need design services.

29. Become an Influencer on Instagram

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms. Did you know that you can earn online income from Instagram? The key is to have lots of followers!

Although it seems difficult to increase the number of followers to thousands or even millions, earning income from Instagram is still worth a try. Famous brands and even most companies are willing to pay you for a post. Simply post a picture or video complete with a caption or a brief description of what you uploaded.

Usually, the cost of posting content depends on the number of followers and how active they are in opening an account and seeing your posts. However, if you really intend and pursue this field, it is not impossible you will produce hundreds or even millions of rupiah per post.

The number of followers that are still a little at all is not a barrier for you to progress. You can increase the number of followers by uploading photos. Of course the photos must first be filtered and edited. Don't forget to post it regularly.

Here are some readings that contain information on how to increase the number of Instagram followers:

How to Get More Followers on Instagram: 10k Instagram Followers in 2 Weeks
How to use Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement
11 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Instagram Followers

30. Offer SEO expertise

Having the ability and knowledge to increase the ranking of a website is a very valuable skill.

As long as search engines are still used to search various sources on the internet, SEO analysis skills are still needed.

Here are some articles that you can read to increase SEO capabilities:

How to Learn SEO in 2018 (and Stay Sane)
SEO Learning Center
The Definitive Guide To SEO In 2018
After knowing and understanding about what is needed to increase SEO rankings, it's time to prove your skills. Usually people will create a website or blog to test their SEO skills, but actually that doesn't really matter.

In fact, you can immediately get a client without having to log in to the website.

First of all, create accounts on freelance sites, such as Upwork and Freelancer.com.

You can also try other ways, namely by starting to promote your services and services to local companies or businesses that want to increase the ranking of their sites.

31. Manage Social Media Accounts

Honestly, of course you spend more time active on social media, right? This hobby or habit can actually make money. The trick is to apply as a social medial account manager.

Jobs like this are not so difficult, especially if you are already very familiar with social media and understand how much they influence. You only need to convince people, especially those who are already famous, to hire you as the manager of their social media accounts.

However, if you do not fully understand and understand the influence and power of social media, you can use online articles or guides that are spread on the internet. For example, Hootsuite Academy is a site that provides information about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

After making sure that your skills and expertise are better than before, become a member on freelance sites, such as Upwork and Freelancer and start looking for suitable job openings.

Apply whatever you learn to get more clients. In addition, the information obtained can also be used to manage your brand and develop the company's social media.

32. Make a Podcast

Like to speak and express opinions, or maybe like to interview someone can be one source of online income. Lately the podcast market has been on the rise and that is good news for those of you who like it.

Many people like the ease of podcasts because they often travel. Surely it would be more comfortable to hear podcasts rather than reading newspapers, books, or other online texts.

In order to succeed in earning money through podcasts, you have to make something quality. Not only audio, but the content must also be of high quality. For starters, buy micropons that produce good sound.

If you want to make a podcast with the main theme of interviewing people, then you have to find the source. Start your podcast project by interviewing the closest people, such as family, friends, or coworkers. This method trains you to get used to so that you will not be nervous when you have to interview important people.

For reference, you can listen to the top podcasts in iTunes to get a general picture, such as the quality and topic of the podcast. Listen to all episodes of podcasts and create indicators or small research that shows the similarities and differences in each podcast, such as:

Do the podcasts you listen to tell stories about interesting stories?
Does the podcast that you listen to include elements of comedy or humor?
Do the podcasts you listen to provide interesting perspectives or views?
Does the podcast that you listen to involve distinctive interviews?
From the best podcasts that are often heard, you will know what to include and avoid when producing each episode of a podcast.

By creating a podcast, you are able to make some money, of course this depends on the number and interaction of your audience. The more audience numbers you have and the more podcasts that are downloaded, the more income you will earn.

Here are some tips to make your podcast more profitable:

Make sales of the products and services that you are talking about on the podcast;
Include a membership site or mastermind in your podcast backend;
Offer sponsorships that you should emphasize when the podcast takes place;
Tell the audience that your podcast is open for donations.

33. Become a Freelance Writer

Actually, writing activities have been able to make money for someone for a long time, especially in the online world. You don't even need to worry if you don't have experience in this field.

The first thing you should do is create a niche and decide what type of writing you will take, for example:

Do you want to create a complete blog about the SaaS site?
Do you want to make a copy of the website for real estate agents?
Do you want to make a sales email for the health and fitness website?
In fact there are still many topics and content waiting to be explored. You just need to decide what you want to be a writer in.

After knowing the field you want to pursue, make a few examples or writing portfolios and start attracting the attention of clients.

The fastest way to make money from the internet is to register on a freelance site. Also include several portfolios and upload them to sites like Medium or LinkedIn.

Read some of the articles below if you are interested in working as a freelance writer:

The Complete Guide to Getting Started Freelance Writing From Scratch
How To Launch Your Freelance Writing Career
How to Become a Freelance Writer on the Side (and Land Your First Freelance Writing Client)
How to Get Paid to Write as a Complete Beginner

34. Selling Your Art and Design

Anda suka mendesain sesuatu? Mengapa tidak dijual saja karya seni Anda? Tentu dengan cara ini Anda akan mendapatkan uang yang banyak. Tak harus menyewa galeri, Anda bisa mendaftar dan membuat akun di situs seperti Society6 untuk mengupload desain terbaik dan menjualnya dengan beberapa versi atau pilihan, seperti casing smartphone, kaos, permadani, dan masih banyak lagi.

Society6 menyediakan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk memperoleh penghasilan online tanpa menuntut uang muka.

Onlinekan toko sendiri, upload desain terbaik Anda, dan pilih item atau produk di mana Anda ingin menampilkan desain Anda. Selain itu, pastikan untuk mengirim produk yang dibeli klien sesuai permintaan.

Jika ada desain yang sudah terlebih dulu memikat hati dan perhatian orang-orang, maka Anda tak perlu lagi membuat promosi. Hal ini bisa menjadi cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan penghasilan.

35. Micro Jobs or Small Jobs

Micro task or micro job is a task or work that requires precision and human intelligence to be completed. Even in this all-automatic era, there are certain jobs that only humans can do.

The work in question is a small and simple job and does not need any technical capabilities. For example, you are asked to review search results for keywords that are given, translate paragraphs, or classify the tone and feel of an article.

Actually, micro jobs are very easy to do and all you need is a computer and internet connection. One of the platforms that provides micro jobs to solve is Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Ready to work and get paid? Register and create your account now!

36. Conducting Online Surveys

For now, conducting an online survey is indeed not the best way to be able to make a lot of money. However, if you need money quickly and don't require anyone to have special skills, online surveys can be considered.

Online surveys are the same as frequent offline surveys. Do surveys on the internet and get compensation in the form of cash, coupons, gifts, or gift cards.

In order for a survey to be carried out, you must first enter demographic info, for example about your background and hobbies. Now you can make money through surveys.

Here are some popular online survey sites:

Pinecone Research
Pro Opinion

37. Selling Your Expertise at Clarity.FM

Just like when offering your services for freelance or freelance jobs, you can also sell your knowledge and expertise. If you are an expert in a particular field or have special knowledge, then you can make money from these abilities or expertise.

In addition, you also don't have to spend time creating your own website and platform.

Some sites, such as Clarity.FM, Savvy.is, and Coach.me, have many clients who of course are looking for expertise like you have.

Even though the income you generate will not be too much and limited, selling your expertise on several sites can be one of the effective ways to get money on the internet. You only need to make an account to start sharing knowledge and advice to other users.


Now you already know how to get money from the internet. Everything is now your decision, whether you want to make the various ideas above as a side business or main job.

The list of online jobs mentioned above is only a reference and reference. Everything passes on to you, about what abilities and skills you have so you can register for one of the online workers. Develop your abilities and take advantage of the opportunities that come.

But remember, everything takes time. You don't immediately get large amounts of income. Need intention and dedication so that what you do is successful.

Have other suggestions or ideas regarding how to make money from the internet? Let us know via the comments column below.

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